
Apr 03, 2023

How to Install Cmder and Make It Amazing

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If you’re developing on Windows, you have to search far and wide to find somebody that’s a fan of the stock command terminals that comes with Windows with the likes of Command Prompt and PowerShell. Thankfully, there is an alternative that looks and performs amazing by the name of Cmder. It even understands and executes both Unix and Windows commands.


To install, go ahead and visit Download the full package (scroll down a bit) with git, extract it and put the contents in the folder C:/cmder. You can extract the files and put them anywhere but this location makes the steps outlined later easier.

Go Ahead and Open It

Personally, I create a shortcut to the start menu for quick access. Open up Cmder and you will be greeted with a very pleasant UI.
Pinning to start Cmder and opening the program. Wow — it looks amazing compared to what Windows gives you.
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Some Configurations

Cmder has many settings to play around with. Something I configure is putting the tabs on top instead of the bottom. To do so, right click on the programs navigation bar, choose settings, select tab bar and uncheck tab bar at the bottom setting. As can be seen, the settings menu has many options. Feel free to explore and customize to your liking.
Setting the options to have tabs on top like other applications. There are many settings — feel free to play around with them!
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Having many tabs of the terminal in one place is amazing and it’s something you can’t find (at least not now) in Windows Command Prompt and Powershell. You can also rename the tabs to give you better context. For instance, if one is your UI and the other is the server, you can rename them by right clicking the tab and selecting rename. To create a new tab, press Ctrl + T.
Creating tabs and renaming tabs for better organization and context.
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You can also change the emulator of the terminal in the settings in the top right to Powershell, Bash, etc., search for a string, and switch between the many tabs running.
Changing the context of the Cmder terminal to PowerShell or bash.
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If you’re in a JavaScript project, the package name with version number in your package.json is displayed in yellow. The git branch you are in is displayed in white.
Very beneficial to know the package name, version number as well as which git branch you are on.
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Lastly, having the advantage of opening context window here is very beneficial I find. To install this, go ahead and fire up your text editor and insert the following text content and save it in C:/cmder as cmder_context_enable.reg.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\cmder] @="Open in Cmder" "Icon"="C:\\cmder\\Cmder.exe,0" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\cmder\command] @="\"C:\\cmder\\Cmder.exe\" \"%V\"" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cmder] @="Open in Cmder" "Icon"="C:\\cmder\\Cmder.exe,0" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cmder\command] @="\"C:\\cmder\\Cmder.exe\" \"%1\""
Double click this file and accept the warning and press OK to the success prompt. As mentioned previously, saving in C:/cmder makes it a breeze to configure this. This file would need modification if your cmder installation is somewhere else.
Now when you right click in a folder location, you can open the folder in Cmder.
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To disable, insert the following text into a file called cmder_context_disable.reg in C:/cmder.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\cmder] [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cmder]
Now run the file as previously to disable the Open in Cmder context menu. I learned how to do this from the following link Check it out for more information.

Integrate with Sublime Text and VS Code

I was really reluctant in using VS Code since it is a Microsoft product but once I made the switch, there was no looking back. I wholeheartedly think Microsoft hit it out of the park with this editor. The features it has to offer are to be reserved for another article. To integrate Cmder with VS Code, Cmder has a file that we can point to in later versions.
Open VS Code, press Ctrl + Shift + P, type Open Settings (JSON) (your settings in JSON), open it, and append the following to your user settings. Cmder itself has documentation in how to do it as well:
"": "C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\cmd.exe","": [ "/K", "C:\\cmder\\vendor\\bin\\vscode_init.cmd"],
Append those to settings to make Cmder the default terminal for VS Code.
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As can be seen, the terminal text is green and the sign preceding the commands is a Lamda. Looks much better in my opinion than plain white text.
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The keyboard shortcut of Ctrl + ` of Cmder (opening Cmder from Taskbar) interferes with VS Code’s opening of the integrated terminal so we will change this shortcut to Win + ` in Cmder. Leaving it as Ctrl + ` will open Cmder should you have it in the taskbar while on VS Code instead of opening up VS Code’s integrated terminal. To do so, open up Cmder and right click at the top bar and click settings and in settings change Minimize/Restore hotkey: to Win + `. Now when on VS Code, pressing Ctrl + ` will open the integrated terminal and Win + ` will minimize/restore Cmder should it be open.
Changing minimize/restore key to Win + ` so it doesn’t interfere with VS Code’s opening of the terminal.
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Before using VS Code as my main editor, I was using Sublime Text. To integrate Cmder with Sublime Text, install the Terminal Package in Sublime Text by pressing Ctrl + Shift + P and typing Install Package and opening package control. Install the terminal package (
Once you have the package installed, navigate to Preferences, Package Settings, Terminal and Settings-User. Add the following to the file that is opened and save it.
{ // Replace with your own path to cmder.exe "terminal": "C:\\cmder\\Cmder.exe", "parameters": ["/START", "%CWD%"]}
Now press Ctrl + Shift + T and a new window of Cmder will open in the current directory that Sublime Text is open in.
A new instance of Cmder will open in the directory that Sublime is open in when pressing Ctrl + Shift + T.
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Wrapping Up

There you have it. Cmder is an amazing terminal emulator that understands both Unix and Windows commands in a Windows environment and this is one of the main benefits in my opinion. When I first started to learn programming, courses on the command line were geared towards Unix syntax. Being stuck on Windows, Cmder makes learning Unix syntax no sweat. I personally think Cmder with those integrations will make the terminal on Windows a joy to use and maybe even make your Mac friends jealous.


If you’re developing on Windows, you have to search far and wide to find somebody that’s a fan of the stock command terminals that comes with Windows with the likes of Command Prompt and PowerShell. Thankfully, there is an alternative that looks and performs amazing by the name of Cmder. It even understands and executes both Unix and Windows commands.


To install, go ahead and visit Download the full package (scroll down a bit) with git, extract it and put the contents in the folder C:/cmder. You can extract the files and put them anywhere but this location makes the steps outlined later easier.

Go Ahead and Open It

Personally, I create a shortcut to the start menu for quick access. Open up Cmder and you will be greeted with a very pleasant UI.
Pinning to start Cmder and opening the program. Wow — it looks amazing compared to what Windows gives you.

Some Configurations

Cmder has many settings to play around with. Something I configure is putting the tabs on top instead of the bottom. To do so, right click on the programs navigation bar, choose settings, select tab bar and uncheck tab bar at the bottom setting. As can be seen, the settings menu has many options. Feel free to explore and customize to your liking.
Setting the options to have tabs on top like other applications. There are many settings — feel free to play around with them!
Having many tabs of the terminal in one place is amazing and it’s something you can’t find (at least not now) in Windows Command Prompt and Powershell. You can also rename the tabs to give you better context. For instance, if one is your UI and the other is the server, you can rename them by right clicking the tab and selecting rename. To create a new tab, press Ctrl + T.
Creating tabs and renaming tabs for better organization and context.
You can also change the emulator of the terminal in the settings in the top right to Powershell, Bash, etc., search for a string, and switch between the many tabs running.
Changing the context of the Cmder terminal to PowerShell or bash.
If you’re in a JavaScript project, the package name with version number in your package.json is displayed in yellow. The git branch you are in is displayed in white.
Very beneficial to know the package name, version number as well as which git branch you are on.
Lastly, having the advantage of opening context window here is very beneficial I find. To install this, go ahead and fire up your text editor and insert the following text content and save it in C:/cmder as cmder_context_enable.reg.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\cmder] @="Open in Cmder" "Icon"="C:\\cmder\\Cmder.exe,0" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\cmder\command] @="\"C:\\cmder\\Cmder.exe\" \"%V\"" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cmder] @="Open in Cmder" "Icon"="C:\\cmder\\Cmder.exe,0" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cmder\command] @="\"C:\\cmder\\Cmder.exe\" \"%1\""
Double click this file and accept the warning and press OK to the success prompt. As mentioned previously, saving in C:/cmder makes it a breeze to configure this. This file would need modification if your cmder installation is somewhere else.
Now when you right click in a folder location, you can open the folder in Cmder.
To disable, insert the following text into a file called cmder_context_disable.reg in C:/cmder.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\cmder] [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cmder]
Now run the file as previously to disable the Open in Cmder context menu. I learned how to do this from the following link Check it out for more information.

Integrate with Sublime Text and VS Code

I was really reluctant in using VS Code since it is a Microsoft product but once I made the switch, there was no looking back. I wholeheartedly think Microsoft hit it out of the park with this editor. The features it has to offer are to be reserved for another article. To integrate Cmder with VS Code, Cmder has a file that we can point to in later versions.
Open VS Code, press Ctrl + Shift + P, type Open Settings (JSON) (your settings in JSON), open it, and append the following to your user settings. Cmder itself has documentation in how to do it as well:
"": "C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\cmd.exe","": [ "/K", "C:\\cmder\\vendor\\bin\\vscode_init.cmd"],
Append those to settings to make Cmder the default terminal for VS Code.
As can be seen, the terminal text is green and the sign preceding the commands is a Lamda. Looks much better in my opinion than plain white text.
The keyboard shortcut of Ctrl + ` of Cmder (opening Cmder from Taskbar) interferes with VS Code’s opening of the integrated terminal so we will change this shortcut to Win + ` in Cmder. Leaving it as Ctrl + ` will open Cmder should you have it in the taskbar while on VS Code instead of opening up VS Code’s integrated terminal. To do so, open up Cmder and right click at the top bar and click settings and in settings change Minimize/Restore hotkey: to Win + `. Now when on VS Code, pressing Ctrl + ` will open the integrated terminal and Win + ` will minimize/restore Cmder should it be open.
Changing minimize/restore key to Win + ` so it doesn’t interfere with VS Code’s opening of the terminal.
Before using VS Code as my main editor, I was using Sublime Text. To integrate Cmder with Sublime Text, install the Terminal Package in Sublime Text by pressing Ctrl + Shift + P and typing Install Package and opening package control. Install the terminal package (
Once you have the package installed, navigate to Preferences, Package Settings, Terminal and Settings-User. Add the following to the file that is opened and save it.
{ // Replace with your own path to cmder.exe "terminal": "C:\\cmder\\Cmder.exe", "parameters": ["/START", "%CWD%"]}
Now press Ctrl + Shift + T and a new window of Cmder will open in the current directory that Sublime Text is open in.
A new instance of Cmder will open in the directory that Sublime is open in when pressing Ctrl + Shift + T.

Wrapping Up

There you have it. Cmder is an amazing terminal emulator that understands both Unix and Windows commands in a Windows environment and this is one of the main benefits in my opinion. When I first started to learn programming, courses on the command line were geared towards Unix syntax. Being stuck on Windows, Cmder makes learning Unix syntax no sweat. I personally think Cmder with those integrations will make the terminal on Windows a joy to use and maybe even make your Mac friends jealous.


If you’re developing on Windows, you have to search far and wide to find somebody that’s a fan of the stock command terminals that comes with Windows with the likes of Command Prompt and PowerShell. Thankfully, there is an alternative that looks and performs amazing by the name of Cmder. It even understands and executes both Unix and Windows commands.


To install, go ahead and visit Download the full package (scroll down a bit) with git, extract it and put the contents in the folder C:/cmder. You can extract the files and put them anywhere but this location makes the steps outlined later easier.

Go Ahead and Open It

Personally, I create a shortcut to the start menu for quick access. Open up Cmder and you will be greeted with a very pleasant UI.
Pinning to start Cmder and opening the program. Wow — it looks amazing compared to what Windows gives you.

Some Configurations

Cmder has many settings to play around with. Something I configure is putting the tabs on top instead of the bottom. To do so, right click on the programs navigation bar, choose settings, select tab bar and uncheck tab bar at the bottom setting. As can be seen, the settings menu has many options. Feel free to explore and customize to your liking.
Setting the options to have tabs on top like other applications. There are many settings — feel free to play around with them!
Having many tabs of the terminal in one place is amazing and it’s something you can’t find (at least not now) in Windows Command Prompt and Powershell. You can also rename the tabs to give you better context. For instance, if one is your UI and the other is the server, you can rename them by right clicking the tab and selecting rename. To create a new tab, press Ctrl + T.
Creating tabs and renaming tabs for better organization and context.
You can also change the emulator of the terminal in the settings in the top right to Powershell, Bash, etc., search for a string, and switch between the many tabs running.
Changing the context of the Cmder terminal to PowerShell or bash.
If you’re in a JavaScript project, the package name with version number in your package.json is displayed in yellow. The git branch you are in is displayed in white.
Very beneficial to know the package name, version number as well as which git branch you are on.
Lastly, having the advantage of opening context window here is very beneficial I find. To install this, go ahead and fire up your text editor and insert the following text content and save it in C:/cmder as cmder_context_enable.reg.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\cmder] @="Open in Cmder" "Icon"="C:\\cmder\\Cmder.exe,0" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\cmder\command] @="\"C:\\cmder\\Cmder.exe\" \"%V\"" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cmder] @="Open in Cmder" "Icon"="C:\\cmder\\Cmder.exe,0" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cmder\command] @="\"C:\\cmder\\Cmder.exe\" \"%1\""
Double click this file and accept the warning and press OK to the success prompt. As mentioned previously, saving in C:/cmder makes it a breeze to configure this. This file would need modification if your cmder installation is somewhere else.
Now when you right click in a folder location, you can open the folder in Cmder.
To disable, insert the following text into a file called cmder_context_disable.reg in C:/cmder.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\cmder] [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cmder]
Now run the file as previously to disable the Open in Cmder context menu. I learned how to do this from the following link Check it out for more information.

Integrate with Sublime Text and VS Code

I was really reluctant in using VS Code since it is a Microsoft product but once I made the switch, there was no looking back. I wholeheartedly think Microsoft hit it out of the park with this editor. The features it has to offer are to be reserved for another article. To integrate Cmder with VS Code, Cmder has a file that we can point to in later versions.
Open VS Code, press Ctrl + Shift + P, type Open Settings (JSON) (your settings in JSON), open it, and append the following to your user settings. Cmder itself has documentation in how to do it as well:
"": "C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\cmd.exe","": [ "/K", "C:\\cmder\\vendor\\bin\\vscode_init.cmd"],
Append those to settings to make Cmder the default terminal for VS Code.
As can be seen, the terminal text is green and the sign preceding the commands is a Lamda. Looks much better in my opinion than plain white text.
The keyboard shortcut of Ctrl + ` of Cmder (opening Cmder from Taskbar) interferes with VS Code’s opening of the integrated terminal so we will change this shortcut to Win + ` in Cmder. Leaving it as Ctrl + ` will open Cmder should you have it in the taskbar while on VS Code instead of opening up VS Code’s integrated terminal. To do so, open up Cmder and right click at the top bar and click settings and in settings change Minimize/Restore hotkey: to Win + `. Now when on VS Code, pressing Ctrl + ` will open the integrated terminal and Win + ` will minimize/restore Cmder should it be open.
Changing minimize/restore key to Win + ` so it doesn’t interfere with VS Code’s opening of the terminal.
Before using VS Code as my main editor, I was using Sublime Text. To integrate Cmder with Sublime Text, install the Terminal Package in Sublime Text by pressing Ctrl + Shift + P and typing Install Package and opening package control. Install the terminal package (
Once you have the package installed, navigate to Preferences, Package Settings, Terminal and Settings-User. Add the following to the file that is opened and save it.
{ // Replace with your own path to cmder.exe "terminal": "C:\\cmder\\Cmder.exe", "parameters": ["/START", "%CWD%"]}
Now press Ctrl + Shift + T and a new window of Cmder will open in the current directory that Sublime Text is open in.
A new instance of Cmder will open in the directory that Sublime is open in when pressing Ctrl + Shift + T.

Wrapping Up

There you have it. Cmder is an amazing terminal emulator that understands both Unix and Windows commands in a Windows environment and this is one of the main benefits in my opinion. When I first started to learn programming, courses on the command line were geared towards Unix syntax. Being stuck on Windows, Cmder makes learning Unix syntax no sweat. I personally think Cmder with those integrations will make the terminal on Windows a joy to use and maybe even make your Mac friends jealous.

Copyright © 2025 chenglong
